Social justice activism – Why don’t we all just give up?

a person with a downbeat stanceWars and conflicts across the world, mass migrations, racism in all its forms… the list of social justice and peace issues that need to be addressed just seems to be growing and growing. How can we keep motivated to go on doing the work of Justice & Peace in these circumstances?

SPARK, in partnership with Leeds Trinity University, is organising a talk there which explores the theme of resilience in campaigning and taking action on social justice issues.

It will take place on Thursday 14 March@7pm. It is part of a short UK-wide lecture tour by Dr Raymond Perrier, who  is being brought over from South Africa by the Archbishop Romero Trust.

Raymond will be particularly making reference to examples from the lives of st Oscar Romero, assassinated in El Salvador in 1979, and Bishop Desmond Hurley, former Archbishop of Durban in South Africa and an outspoken critic of the Government during the Apartheid era.