Excavating Hope – the 2025 Romero Lecture

Thursay 13 March 7pm

This talk will take place at the City Centre campus of Leeds Trinity University at 1 Trevelyan Square- just off Boar Lane in central Leeds. The talk will be given by a Mexican Jesuit, Fr Luis Orlando Pérez Jiménez SJ. 

He is currently sdturdying for a PhD at University College London. He has done much research on people who have been ‘disappeared’, on human trafficking and has worked with indigenous peoples in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

He will talk from his experience and relate this to the life of St Oscar Romero.

ALL are welcome to this talk.

Use this button register to attend (light refreshments will be provided from 6:30pm).

This is a great opportunity to hear from someone with firsthand experience of working in Latin American countries and exploring the issues that people face.

Presented in the Leeds Diocese by SPARK Social Justice working in
partnership with Leeds Trinity University, and organised by the Archbishop Romero Trust nationally.